
5 Things About Breastfeeding Every New Mother Must Know


Mother’s milk is the best and the most important source of nutrition for a new-born. It contains live healthy bacteria and antibodies that help in boosting the child’s immunity and improving gut health. The World Health Organisation and UNICEF recommend the initiation of breastfeeding within the first hour of life of the new-born and that the child should be breastfed exclusively for the first few months.

There are several renowned maternity hospitals in Chennai that will guide you through the initial weeks of motherhood. However, if you are going to be a new mother, there are five important things you should keep in mind about breastfeeding:

The Baby Gets What the Mother Eats

You should know that your diet is essential for the proper nutrition of your baby. What you eat affects the composition of your breast milk as well as changes its flavour. If you visit the best gynecologist in Chennai, she will advise you to introduce anything new to your diet only in moderation. You can take three main meals, three healthy snacks, and drink at least three litres of water every day. Don’t forget to include the fats and high calories in your diet as your baby needs it for nourishment.

Your Body Might Take Time to Start Producing Milk

Sometimes the new mothers get worried that they are not producing sufficient milk to nurture their child. They need to understand that it might take three to five days for new mothers to start producing breast milk. For some mothers, it can take even longer than that, especially after c-sections as it takes some time for the milk-producing hormone to get activated. In such cases, it is advisable to keep the babies on the mother’s chest and let them suckle. Once the mother’s body realizes the demand, it will stimulate the flow of breast milk.

Ensure A ‘Good Latch’

You don’t even have to be at the best maternity hospital in Chennai to know about the importance of ensuring that your child ‘latches on’ the right way. The milk ducts are under the areola and the baby’s sucking enables the milk to flow through the nipple. For the babies to latch to the breast properly, they should be turned entirely toward the mother in a way that their tummy is in line with the mother’s tummy.

It is important to remember that breastfeeding will hurt only if the baby does not have a good latchand when the mother has sore breasts. You will know the baby has latched correctly if the baby has a mouthful of your breast, feeding doesn’t cause you much discomfort, the baby pauses during feeding to swallow, and detaches after feeling full.

The More You Feed the Baby, The More Milk You Will Produce

Prolactin is an important hormone directly affecting breastfeeding. The level of this hormone is highest about 30 minutes after the baby starts suckling. As the baby suckles and stimulates the nipple, prolactin production increases, and so does the production of milk. That is why, if you ask the best gynecologist in Chennai, she will tell you to exclusively breastfeed your baby so that the milk supply doesn’t dry up. It is also advisable to feed the baby from both breasts to avoid imbalanced breastfeeding.

BabiesDon’t Feed at Fixed Intervals

As a new mother, you shouldn’t worry if your baby is not following a fixed feeding schedule. Most new-borns feed around 8 to 12 times a day, depending on their birth weight and several other factors. Although a breastfeeding session typically lasts anywhere between 20 and 45 minutes, you should trust your baby’s signals and feed when you must. As the babies go through a growth spurt, they start feeding erratically, as in feeding more and taking longer breaks. You should remember that it is not possible to over-feed your baby while breastfeeding. Simply follow the baby’s signs.

If you are going to give birth to your first child, then you should consult with the experts at the best maternity hospital in Chennai. They will not only guide you through every step of motherhood but will also provide you with helpful tips to ensure adequate nutrition for your baby.

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