
Get to know more about Seer Medical


Seer Medical is widely known as Australia’s largest provider of epilepsy diagnostic services that was founded in 2017. The Australian startup authorizes people to take more control of their health by increasing access to basic diagnostic services. Seer offers ambulatory at home with video EEG-ECG monitoring to cater to issues of long wait times and accessibility. The company uses clinical capabilities, cloud technology, and engineering expertise. To improve comfort and access for patients that need monitoring for the longer term.

By allowing the monitoring to be available in the home, the solution also set free crucial hospital resources. Seer has converted hospital-based testing into a patient-centered, comfortable experience at home. Their technology is modifying the way healthcare is delivered around Australia.

Seer provides open access to monitoring

Since 2017, they have helped more than 10,000 people and reduced patient wait time from 6-18 months to 6-8 weeks. Seer is conquering the challenges of accessibility to exemplary healthcare. Patients no longer have to depend on hospital bed availability through home-based monitoring. They provide services at scale has meant that people can get quicker access compared to traditional hospital-based testing. It shortened their time for productive treatment.

Seer functional diagnostic monitoring operations empower their doctors and people with a path to accurate and advanced diagnosis. Seer Medical has Seer Cloud that allows doctors to review patient data and make diagnoses from anywhere in the world. The Seer app seizes users to record their events and determines past hidden patterns in their cycles. Providing them more control over the management of their seizures. The Seer app is backed by decades and thorough research that uses your recorded events to know when you possibly more or less have a seizure. While a seizure forecast is a great tool for managing life and planning activities for those that have epilepsy.

Seer as the world’s largest organized epilepsy data library

The Seer Assist has scanned hundreds or even thousands of hours of clinical data by using input from human professionals. To determine key events and learn diagnostic review. This technology benefits neurophysiologists to save a lot of hours in reviewing data. Seer’s involvement in the global epilepsy research community has established the improvement of their most advanced enabling technologies.

Know how the world’s initial congenital seizure risk forecaster works?

  • Log or record your events, this includes details to aid in figuring out your triggers
  • The app, over time, will provide insights into the cycles of your seizure
  • You have the option to see when you are low or high risk for seizure activity, thus you can plan accordingly

You’ll have access to long-term EEG data and some crucial discoveries have changed. And the ability to have intuition over one’s risk for a seizure.

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