
The Secret to Glowing Skin: Retinol (Vitamin A Skin care)


Do you want to know the secret behind glowing skin? Well, it’s nothing other than retinol (Vitamin A Skin Care) one of the oldest anti ageing skin care products this one gives wonderful results.

It has a twofold process of working:

  • Stimulates production of new blood vessels in the skin
  • Increases the production of collagen for the skin

Retinoid are derived from Vitamin A and retinol belongs to the family of retinoid. In order to better understand read this article from The Skin Care Clinic for the best retinol skin care review.

The many benefits of Retinol include:

  • It has more than one benefits when it comes to Skin Care
  • There is no ingredient that works better than retinol for smoothening of skin
  • It gives out the most visible anti ageing benefits
  • It stimulates elastin and collagen production
  • It helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles
  • It makes the skin tone even
  • It also cures cystic acne
  • It removes and cures hyper pigmentation
  • It polishes rough skin
  • It fight out and cleans blemishes 

Way to Apply Retinol:

The best way is to introduce retinol slowly and gradually in your skin care routine starting with once or twice a week and then increasing it eventually.

Read more: Quick Tips to Ensure Smooth & Safe Skin

Apply a pea sized amount on your face leaving out the eye area. The best time to apply it is at night after washing and drying your face. Make sure to use a sunscreen when you introduce retinol to your skin care regime because retinol increases the photosensitivity within the skin.

With retinol you have to keep patience, it can take from 6 to 12 months but once the results are out you won’t be regretting it.

This is how you can find the perfect Retinol Product

When you purchase a product make sure the concentration is 0.25% retinol or 0.025% tretinoin for it to give effective results. It is best to start with the lowest concentration before increasing the intake. If your skin is thick and oily apply a product with higher concentration strength and if you have drier thinner skin choose a lower strength.

Do a skin patch test before applying retinol to your face. If your skin starts to get irritated upon application apply a healing moisturiser or stop application and try again after your skin gets back to normal.

Steps to handle a Retinol Product on your skin

  • Retinol isn’t a spot treatment so you can apply it all over your face
  • Retinol need not to be used in large quantities. A pea sized amount regularly goes a long way.
  • Begin with the lowest concentration
  • Apply the product at night if you want to see full benefit
  • Do not apply it on wet skin and make sure your skin is dry before you apply it.
  • Retinols are not recommended for pregnant women
  • Light breakouts, dryness or redness in the initial stages of application is just a part of the process

Continuous use of retinol can give you the skin of your dreams as it has more than one benefit which includes softening lines, wrinkles, removing dark spots, decreasing pore sizes and encouraging collagen production. If you are a glowing skin lover then retinol should be a must have in your skin care regime.

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