
Things You Need To Know About Belly Fat


Belly fat is the addition of abdominal fat that causes a rise in waist size. It’s also known as abdominal obesity or central adiposity. You can follow belly fat diet in Mission Viejo to reduce your belly fat. Despite the fact that fat is commonly thought to be strange, it is important in some situations. Adipose fat protects the body from high temperatures by cushioning and insulates it. It is classified as an endocrine organ because of its function in hormone development.

Visceral adipose fat, which is found around the organs, and subcutaneous adipose fat, which is found under the skin, are the two forms of fats that can gather around the belly. Multiple essential organs, such as the stomach, intestines, and liver, are covered by abdominal fat. When there is too much fat in the body, it causes problems. To reduce the fat, you can choose medical weight loss in OC CA.

What are the causes of belly fat?

Surplus calories

Overeating and not moving enough are two of the most common causes of belly fat. We have a tendency to become more sedentary over time. We spend less time exercising, cycling, and taking the stairs. An energy surplus occurs when we consume more calories than we expend per day, resulting in weight gain.

Metabolic rate

Our metabolism naturally slows as we age, resulting in fewer calories burned and an increase in total body fat. As people get older, women tend to develop a higher fat percentage than men.

Distribution of body fat

There are many body styles, ranging from pear- shaped (transitory excess fat around the hips, and bottom) to apple-shaped (transporting excess fat around the center). Estrogen levels decrease during menopause, which may cause changes in body fat dispersal. As a result, more fat is directed to the midsection rather than the lower body.

Genes are a form of genetic material

It’s also possible that heredity plays a role. It’s possible that you’re genetically predisposed to gaining weight in your midsection rather than other areas of your body. When it comes to obesity, it’s also important to understand how our genes interact with the environment. Humans adapted to eat a lot as food became available in the past because they didn’t know when their next meal would arrive, and they needed to eat a lot to avoid a famine.


Hormones and hormonal changes, as well as stress, can all influence the accumulation of belly fat. Leptin, a hormone that causes feelings of fullness, is linked to the amount of fat stored in the body.Early research on leptin suggested that as body fat levels rise, so did leptin levels, the amount of leptin absorbed via the blood-brain barrier decreased due to resistance. As a result, there will be reduced activation of the bodyweight control signaling pathway.

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